Organizationvitality is the life spirit, -strength and -energy to exist purposeful. In other words, achieving healthy growth in often unpredictable market conditions. Healthy is always better, preferably more. We concretise the three vitality elements in the Compass, the Competencies and the Culture of organisations.
The total picture
Organisationvitality shown in parts looks like this:

Compass = Mission / Purpose / Why: why do we exist
Guiding principles = Core values and supporting operational principles (what leads our behaviour)
I-behavior = concret individual behaviour in line with (predominantly operational) principles
Perspective & Position = long term goals and strategy plus and transformation from actual position
Leadership = giving Direction (choices), giving Room to manoeuvre (develop teams) and Rules (discipline).
Competence = necessary capabilities (find and develop) to successfully transform
Hard- & Heartwiring = clear and strict structure/ customer processes (Hard) and dedication and
passion to continuously improve them.
Drive = dynamics and energy in the organisation
Well-being = physical and mental vitality of employees and relatedness in the organisation
NRF: mastering growth needs organisationvitality
In 2012 I was introduced to @NRF in Mill to discuss a development program for high potentials. The intake with the HR team and the at that time Sales Director Frank Toebes became a vibrant discussion.
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